PhD Position in Tilburg University

PhD Position, Department of Econometrics and Operations Research, Tilburg University, Netherlands

April 23, 2010

The Department of Econometrics and Operations Research of the Tilburg School of Economics and Management at Tilburg University is offering the following position:

PhD position for the NWO project:
Solving Quadratic Assignment Problems with Algebraic Symmetry via Semidefinite Programming

Project description:
The quadratic assignment problem (QAP) is well known in operations research (mathematical programming) and arises from applications as diverse as electronic circuit testing and hospital facility location. It is also famously hard to solve QAP instances, even ones of moderate size. In this project we will revisit the possibility of solving QAP problems using semidefinite programming in a branch and bound setting. In particular, we will use modern techniques from algebraic combinatorics to exploit algebraic structures in the data where present.

Job requirements/Qualifications

The ideal candidate:

* holds a Master, or equivalent degree in (applied) mathematics, operations research, or computer science, and has some background in mathematical programming
* has an interest and skills in computer programming (in MATLAB, C++)
* is ambitious, self-motivated, and cooperative
* is able to communicate in English
* is able to function in a research group and willing to assist in the organization of research meetings, symposia,etcetera.

Terms of employment:
According to the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) for Dutch Universities, a PhD candidate (promovendus) receives a starting salary of € 2.042.– gross per month in the first year. The university offers very good fringe benefits (it is one of the best non-profit employers in the Netherlands), such as an options model for terms and conditions of employment and excellent reimbursement of moving expenses. The position can be either for a duration of three or four years, depending on the qualifications and wishes of the candidate. The starting date is negotiable, but can be as early as September 1st, 2010.

Specific information about the vacancy can be obtained from:

* Prof. Etienne de Klerk, Tilburg University. Tel: +31 13 466 2031 email: e.deklerk[ at ]
* Dr. Renata Sotirov, Tilburg University. Tel: +31 13 466 3178, email: r.sotirov[ at ]

Applications including a curriculum vitae and two reference letters must be submitted before June 25th, 2010 to e.deklerk[ at ]

The most promising candidates will be invited for an interview around the end of June 2010.

Beasiswa Co-op dari PLN

Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Program D-III Kerjasama POLINEMA dan PT PLN (Persero) Tahun Akademik 2010/2011


Penerimaan calon mahasiswa baru Program Diploma III (D-III) Kerjasama POLINEMA dan PT PLN (Persero) Tahun Akademik 2010/2011 adalah implementasi kerjasama antara POLINEMA dengan PT PLN (Persero) untuk memberi kesempatan kepada lulusan SMA/MA/SMK dalam memperoleh pendidikan yang berorientasi pada kemampuan dan keahlian terapan.

Dengan memenuhi persyaratan yang ditentukan selama menempuh program ini, yaitu IP sekurang-kurangnya 2,75 dan masa studi paling lama 6 semester.

Program ini hanya dibuka untuk program studi:

* D-III Teknik Mesin
* D-III Teknik Elektro


* Mahasiswa Program ini setelah lulus pendidikan langsung DITERIMA SEBAGAI PEGAWAI PT PLN (PERSERO) pada PLN Unit di seluruh Indonesia setelah menjalani DIKLAT PRAJABATAN.
* Mahasiswa wajib melaksanakan magang kerja di instalasi milik PT PLN (Persero) maksimal selama 6 bulan dengan memperoleh uang saku Rp.850.000,- per bulan.
* Diberikan Beasiswa untuk Mahasiswa berprestasi.
* Bagi Mahasiswa peserta Program Pendidikan ini yang tidak lulus evaluasi maka dinyatakan gugur dan dapat disertakan di kelas/perkuliahan reguler dengan catatan tidak ada pengembalian biaya
* Persyaratan dan Pendaftaran


a. Mendaftar
Pendaftaran dilakukan secara OnLine dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :
Lulusan SMA/MA jurusan IPA, SMK jurusan mesin/listrik tahun kelahiran 1990 atau sesudahnya.

b. Setelah Lulus Tes Akademik
Setelah dinyatakan lulus tes akademik, peserta harus melengkapi persyaratan untuk mengikuti tes berikutnya seperti berikut :

1. Copy ijasah SMA/SMK/MA dan nilai UN yang dilegalisir.
2. Copy akte kelahiran yang dilegalisir.
3. Surat keterangan sehat dan tidak buta warna dari dokter.
4. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dan Surat Keterangan Bebas Narkoba dari Kepolisian.


* Menyiapkan pasfoto digital (nama file disamanakan dengan nama depan peserta) berwarna terbaru berukuran 4×6 cm (memakai pakaian yang sopan dan rapi) dalam format JPG atau PNG dengan ukuran maksimum 100 KB.
* Mendaftar melalui website atau untuk mendapatkan nomor pendaftaran (Mulai 3 Mei 2010)
* Membayar biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp. 200.000,- ke rekening Bank BTN Cabang Unibraw Nomor: 00113-01-30-000030-1 atas nama : Poltek Negeri Malang – Bendahara Penerima.
* Catatan :

– Pembayaran bisa melalui kantor pos, atau bank selain BTN
– Menuliskan nama dan nomor pendaftaran pada slip pembayaran.

* Kartu Peserta Tes bisa dicetak sendiri melalui website atau minimal setelah 1 hari pembayaran biaya pendaftaran.
* Pendaftar tidak diperkenankan mengganti program studi yang telah dipilih dengan alasan apapun.
* Bukti cetak kartu tanda peserta ini diperlukan sebagai syarat untuk mengikuti ujian masuk dan pendaftaran ulang apabila dinyatakan diterima sebagai calon mahasiswa baru.

Jadwal Ujian

Kampus Politeknik Negeri Malang
Jl. Sukarno-Hatta No. 9 Malang

1. Tes Kemampuan Akademik : 14 Juni 2010.
2. Tes Psikologi : 21 – 23 Juni 2010.
3. Wawancara : 5 – 16 Juli 2010.
4. Tes Kesehatan : 20 – 21 Juli 2010
5. Pengumuman hasil tes : 23 Juli 2010
6. Her Registrasi : 26 Juli – 6 Agustus 2010
7. Orientasi Studi & LDK : 9-14 Agustus 2010

Pengumuman Hasil seleksi :
– Tes Akademik : 16 Juni 2010
– Tes Psikologi : 30 Juni 2010
– Tes Wawancara : 12 Juli 2010
– Tes Kesehatan : 23 Juli 2010 (Hasil tes akhir)

di Kampus Polinema Jl. Soekarno Hatta 09 Malang dan melalui website atau

Kontak Person Teknis (Pendaftaran On Line) :
SAEP SUHERMAN, 081334280689
AHMADI YULI ANANTA, 085727478700

Job Vacancies from Agung Sedayu Group

Agung Sedayu Group is Indonesia’s well known property developer, with premier retail, commercial and residential properties in its portfolio. With experience over 25 years in its industry, Agung Sedayu Group keeps on developing the best properties in strategic locations with great investment value for the customers.

With it’s Mission to developed qualified property product with efficiency and punctuality, Agung Sedayu Group is consistent with it’s goal in becoming the most trusted property developer and the market leader in Indonesia. Prioritizing the satisfaction of its customer

Requirements :

* Male / Female
* S1 Accounting
* Fresh graduate are welcome
* Fluent English is a must both written and oral
* Computer literate
* Having an experience is advantage

Requirements :

* Male / Female
* S1 Accounting/computerized accounting/tax
* Fresh graduate are welcome
* Fluent English is a must both written and oral
* Computer literate
* Having knowledge about Brevet A and B
* Having an experience is advantage

Requirements :

* Male / Female
* S1 Accounting
* Fresh graduate are welcome
* Fluent English is a must both written and oral
* Computer literate

Requirements :

* Male / Female
* S1 Law
* Fresh graduate are welcome
* Fluent English is a must both written and oral
* Computer literate
* Having an experience is advantage

If you meet the above requirements, please submit your application with detailed resume and your recent photograph to:

HR Department
Harco Electronic Superstore Lantai 4
Jl. Mangga Dua Raya, Jakarta 10730

Scholarship from American Indonesian Exchange Foundation

Applicants must be English language teachers or currently in training to become the English language teacher and must be able to demonstrate a commitment to language teaching upon return to Indonesia following the award. The program is for one academic year (9 months) and requires the grantee to teach Indonesian language and culture in the U.S. for 20 hours per week and to Enroll in at least two U.S. Studies and / or ESL methodology classes per semester under a full tuition waiver.

Applicants who are no older than 29 years of age by October 1, 2009 and will possess:

  • a Bachelor’s (S1) degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (scale 4.00)
  • leadership qualities
  • a good understanding of Indonesian and international cultures
  • a demonstrated commitment to the chosen field of study
  • a willingness to return to their home institution upon completion of the Fulbright program
  • a minimum institutional TOEFL score of 550 or IELTS 6.0.


Candidates should complete the appropriate application forms. Forms are available either by mail or in person at the AMINEF Office, Gedung Balai Pustaka, 6th floor, Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya 4, Jakarta 10720.

Please return to AMINEF your complete application package by the application deadline that includes:

  • Completed application form. This includes a Concise Clearly written and objective study.
  • Copy of your most recent, less than two years old, TOEFL or IELTS score report.
  • One letter of reference, either from your current employer or previous lecturer.
  • Copy of academic transcript (Bahasa translation).
  • Copy of identity document (KTP or passport).


Specific questions regarding the application process may be addressed via e-mail to the following address: infofulbright_ind[at] We do not accept email applications. Hard copies must be sent or delivered to American Indonesian Exchange Foundation.


The deadline for the submission of application materials for all programs is 30 April 2010.

Note: Program requirements are subject to change without notice.

Job Vacancy from Vienna University

2 Doctoral Positions in Ubicomp and Building Automation
Written by Scholarships 4 High School Students on April 25th, 2010

Job Description : The Division of Digital Structure and Thinking at Vienna University of Application, Vienna, Austria (, invites applications for two Scholar Positions for tierce age (2010-2013). The positions are underhung by the European Field Money FWF (

The positions are in a elflike explore radical which is existence implanted at the Division of Digital Archiecture and Plannung. Employed faculty is Land. Socialism candidates are strongly encouraged to deal.

Explore operate faculty focalise on the organization, effort, and validation of a interval assistant computer for present engineering and business mechanisation applications.

The model candidates are self-motivated group players who are curious pursuing their student studies in an aborning, inter-disciplinary search extent with utmost exertion potency.

Experience in one or more of the pursuing areas is preferred: software engineering, abstraction databases, location-based services, strewn systems, business information molding, building mechanisation.

Candidates should submit a CV and a one page summary of their Master thesis or comparable piece of work in electronic form to:
Georg Suter, Associate Professor, PhD
georg.suter at

Applications should be received by:
May 15, 2010. Late applications are considered until the positions have been filled.
Job Homepage :
Category : PhD
Contact address : Georg Suter, Associate Professor, PhD
georg.suter at

Scholarship from University of Sussex UK

The University of Sussex and Institute of Development Studies (IDS) would like to invite applications for;

* MSc in Climate Change & Development
* MSc in Climate Change & Policy

Up to ten scholarships of £4,500 and three of £3,500 are available. The scholarships will be awarded to students who possess the highest academic ability and potential (not made on the basis of financial need).

Course synopsis
These unique programmes address what is perhaps the most important issue of our time from a multidisciplinary perspective.

The courses aim to provide state-of-the- art training for the rapidly expanding market in climate change professionals within the public, private, consultancy and not-for-profit sectors and the development field.

The programmes are multidisciplinary and students will acquire specialist knowledge of the causes of climate change, the physical and human consequences, and efforts to mitigate and adapt to a changing climate. In the Development course particular attention is paid to the specific consequences of climate change for poverty in developing countries; processes of adaptation; and policy responses.

Courses are taught by leading researchers in these fields from within the Geography Department and the world renowned Institute for Development Studies (IDS) and Science and Technology Policy Research Unit (SPRU). Students have the opportunity to develop a specialist thematic or regional enquiry in the dissertation.

For full information see
For on-line application see
For scholarship applications see
For inquiries email climate[at]

Beasiswa Non Gelar ke Amerika

Humphrey Fellowship: Beasiswa Non Gelar ke Amerika

Informasi Beasiswa Humphrey Fellowship: Beasiswa Non Gelar ke Amerika Scholarships InformationApril 26, 2010 by student scholarship

Program beasiswa Hubert H Humphrey atau bisa juga disebut Humphrey Fellowship, program beasiswa non gelar ke Amerika Serikat – kembali dibuka. Program ini menggabungkan perkuliahan tingkat pascasarjana dengan kegiatan pengembangan keprofesionalan di Amerika Serikat (AS) selama 9 bulan. Kandidat yang lolos akan ditempatkan di satu dari 18 universitas di AS yang memiliki fakultas dan jurusan sesuai dengan bidang-bidang pilihan beasiswa ini.

Bidang-bidang pilihan beasiswa non-gelar Humphrey Fellowship:

Adapun bidang-bidang studi yang direkomendasikan untuk beasiswa ini, antara lain, teknologi pangan/pertanian, komunikasi/jurnalistik, studi pembangunan ekonomi, perbankan dan keuangan, sumber daya manusia, analisis kebijakan dan administrasi publik, manajemen dan kebijakan teknologi, perencanaan daerah dan perkotaan, serta manajemen dan kebijakan kesehatan masyarakat (termasuk bidang pendidikan dan kebijakan pencegahan dan penularan HIV/AIDS).

Syarat Pendaftar:

* Pendaftar yang diutamakan umumnya adalah tenaga administrator dalam posisi memimpin dan berpengalaman kerja sedikitnya lima tahun di lembaga publik atau swasta nirlaba, termasuk lembaga swadaya masyarakat (LSM) yang berkomitmen pada pelayanan masyarakat.

* Bergelar sarjana (S-1) dengan IPK minimal 2,75 (pada skala 4,00), pelamar/kandidat harus memiliki ITP/iBT TOEFL minimal 525 atau IELTS 5.5.

Skema Beasiswa:

Skema untuk beasiswa non-gelar ke Amerika Serikat ini meliputi, antara lain, biaya transportasi pergi-pulang Jakarta-AS-Jakarta, uang kuliah, serta biaya hidup selama kuliah.

Scholarship from Tilburg University

The Department of Econometrics and Operations Research of the Tilburg School of Economics and Management at Tilburg University is offering the following position:

PhD position for the NWO project:
Solving Quadratic Assignment Problems with Algebraic Symmetry via Semidefinite Programming

Project description:
The quadratic assignment problem (QAP) is well known in operations research (mathematical programming) and arises from applications as diverse as electronic circuit testing and hospital facility location. It is also famously hard to solve QAP instances, even ones of moderate size. In this project we will revisit the possibility of solving QAP problems using semidefinite programming in a branch and bound setting. In particular, we will use modern techniques from algebraic combinatorics to exploit algebraic structures in the data where present.

Job requirements/Qualifications

The ideal candidate:

* holds a Master, or equivalent degree in (applied) mathematics, operations research, or computer science, and has some background in mathematical programming
* has an interest and skills in computer programming (in MATLAB, C++)
* is ambitious, self-motivated, and cooperative
* is able to communicate in English
* is able to function in a research group and willing to assist in the organization of research meetings, symposia,etcetera.

Terms of employment:
According to the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) for Dutch Universities, a PhD candidate (promovendus) receives a starting salary of € 2.042.– gross per month in the first year. The university offers very good fringe benefits (it is one of the best non-profit employers in the Netherlands), such as an options model for terms and conditions of employment and excellent reimbursement of moving expenses. The position can be either for a duration of three or four years, depending on the qualifications and wishes of the candidate. The starting date is negotiable, but can be as early as September 1st, 2010.

Specific information about the vacancy can be obtained from:

* Prof. Etienne de Klerk, Tilburg University. Tel: +31 13 466 2031 email: e.deklerk[ at ]
* Dr. Renata Sotirov, Tilburg University. Tel: +31 13 466 3178, email: r.sotirov[ at ]

Applications including a curriculum vitae and two reference letters must be submitted before June 25th, 2010 to e.deklerk[ at ]

The most promising candidates will be invited for an interview around the end of June 2010.

Scholarship from JIPS

Funded by a grant from the Government of Japan, the Japan Indonesia Presidential Scholarship Program (JIPS) supports PhD studies in an academic field of study covered by ten Indonesian Centers of Excellence (CoE) participating in the program. Each of these newly established Centers of Excellence is located at a leading higher education institution in the country with a demonstrated track record in the pursuit of excellence. The goal of the program is to promote excellence in research in these Centers to support the Ministry of National Education in its mission to improve the quality of higher education and research in the country.

Who can apply?
Applicants must meet the following general criteria to be eligible for a scholarship:

1. Be a national and resident of Indonesia
2. Be under 45 years at application deadline
3. Must have completed and been awarded a master`s degree, or equivalent, at the time of application however, outstanding candidates with a bachelor degree can be considered for a Master-PhD track
4. Have maintained a GPA of at least 3 on a scale of 4 in both undergraduate and graduate studies
5. Full-time lecturer and/or researcher in a Center of Excellence (CoE) or equivalent institution in Indonesia are encouraged to apply.

Interested candidates should submit application packages by March 26, 2010 to the relevant Center of Excellence of their choice. Preselected candidates will be invited to an interview by the end of April 2010.

What is the Program’s purpose?
The purpose of the Program is to support scholarship recipients in upgrading their qualifications and to provide them with an international study experience at leading academic institutions in World Bank member countries, except Indonesia. During their studies, scholars are encouraged to build and foster academic collaborations and partnerships. On return to Indonesia, scholars are expected to take an active role in the academic life of the sponsoring CoE.

Host Institution
Candidates should seek admission at a university of their choice in World Bank member countries.

What does the scholarship cover?

* The scholarship covers full tuition for a period of three to four years, and the cost of basic medical and accident insurance usually obtained through the university.
* A monthly subsistence allowance to cover living expenses, including books.
* Economy class air travel between the home country and the host university at the start of the study program and one return journey following the end of the overall scholarship period. In addition to the ticket, scholars receive a US $500 travel allowance for each trip.
* The benefits only apply to the scholarship recipient.

The JIPS scholarship does not cover:
expenses for the scholar`s family
educational equipment such as computers

What are the fields of study supported by JIPS?
The proposed program of study and research proposal should reflect the sponsoring CoE: Biotechnology, Bioenergy, Infrastructure and Urban Development, Small and Medium Enterprise Development, Bioindustry and Business, Good Corporate Governance, Distance Learning, Special Needs Education, Reproductive Health, Economic Policy.

How are awardees selected?
Eligible candidates are evaluated by the sponsoring Center of Excellence (CoE) which screens the applications according to their selection procedures for graduate scholarships. Final awards are made by a Steering Committee, based on the following:

* academic records
* professional and academic experience; and
* relevance of proposed program of study to the corresponding CoE.

Selected candidates will be informed by the relevant CoE.

Scholar’s Commitment
The scholarship recipient will be requested to sign a formal commitment to return and work in his/her sponsoring CoE for a minimum of a two-year period for each year of scholarship received. Each CoE commits to recruit its sponsored scholars upon completion of their PhD studies.

Scholars are expected to mention the JIPS scholarship in any publication related to their doctoral research work, including their thesis, and to provide the Program with a copy of their thesis upon graduation.

How to apply?
Application forms and information about the application procedure are available in the participating Centers of Excellence, and here.

For the inquiries related to JIPS, please send an e-mail to jips[at]

For specific inquiries about the scholarship positions and additional selection criteria, interested candidates are invited to contact the respective Center of Excellence directly.

Lowongan kerja dari PT. Gudang Garam

Sebuah Perusahaan publik di Jawa Timur yang bergerak dalam bidang industri rokok, saat ini membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk mengisi lowongan pekerjaan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

Bertanggung Jawab dalam melakukan perawatan, perbaikan dan modifikasi sistem informasi berbasis web dan SCADA
Pendidikan : S1 / D3 Teknik Informatika
Kualifikasi Umum:

* Nilai IPK        : Perguruan Tinggi Negeri  Minimal 2.75
* Nilai IPK        : Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Minimal  3.00
* Bersedia bekerja Shift
* Pengalaman tidak diutamakan
* Bersedia ditempatkan di daerah Gempol, Pandaan – Jawa Timur

Melakukan fungsi administrasi sesuai standar dan waktu yang telah ditetapkan.
Pendidikan : S1/D3 Teknik Industri,  Manajemen Informatika.
Kualifikasi Umum:

* Nilai IPK        : Perguruan Tinggi Negeri  Minimal 2.75
* Nilai IPK        : Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Minimal  3.00
* Bersedia bekerja Shift
* Pengalaman tidak diutamakan
* Bersedia ditempatkan di daerah Gempol, Pandaan – Jawa Timur

Kirimkan Surat Lamaran lengkap disertai kode jabatan paling lambat 10 (sepuluh) hari (Deadline 28 April 2010) setelah iklan ini dimuat ke :
Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat yang akan diproses